Election Results Watch Party – November 5th

We are hosting a watch party in Clearlake.  Camaraderie helps in stressful times – join a like-minded group. Chocolate too… we promise to have lots of both.

We are starting at 4PM to catch the East Coast and will be there as long as it takes to get an idea of where the outcome is headed.  Local results will begin to come in after the polls close at 8PM.

Several of our local endorsed candidates will be in attendance.
Several of our local endorsed candidates will be in attendance.

We will have food and drinks available.  If you would like to add an appetizer or dessert, it would be appreciated, but not required.

PLEASE RSVP so we know how many to prepare for and also for the location.

Send an email to: democratsoflakecounty@gmail.com    Questions: 916-747-4140

Looking forward to seeing you on the 5th and a joyful outcome.