Standing Committees

As designated by our bylaws, The Democratic Party of Lake County is divided into standing committees, and other committees as it may from time to time find necessary, in order to carry out its stated purposes. All committees and their Chairpersons shall be appointed by the DPLC Chair. All regular voting members of the Committee shall serve on at least one standing committee. ExOfficios for legislators are required to serve on both the Elections & Issues Committees. Associate members may serve on committees but cannot chair them.

Elections Committee – Candidate development & endorsement.

  • Chair – Gillian Parrillo

Finance Committee – Provide financial oversight for the DPLC.

  • Chair – Nikki Hanson (Treasurer)

Issues Committee – Screen and develop positions on issues and resolutions for DPLC action.

  • Chair – Kate Schmidt-Hopper

Programs and Recruitment Committee – Implement engaging and educational programs that advocate for
Democratic candidates and policies and stimulate active participation in the Democratic party.

  • Chair – Janet Melton

Communications Committee – Manage and oversee the communications of the DPLC to ensure consistent, accurate, and effective information – such as press releases and social media posts.

  • Chair – David Becker