Standing Committees

As designated by our bylaws, The Democratic Party of Lake County shall be divided, in order to effectively carry out its stated purposes, into standing sub-committees and such other committees as it may from time to time find necessary and/or expedient. All such sub-committees and the Chair thereof shall be appointed by the DPLC Chair, subject only to the will of the general membership. All regular voting members of the Committee shall serve on at least one standing committee. Alternates for partisan legislators are required to serve on both the Elections & Issues Committees.


Elections Committee – candidate development & endorsement

Co-Chairs – Gillian Parrillo (D4); Justine Schneider

Finance Committee – provide financial oversight for the DPLC

Chair – Pierre Cutler (Treasurer) (D4)

Issues Committee – Screens and develops positions  on issues and resolutions for DPLC action

Chair – Nara Dahlbacka (D1)

Programs and Recruitment Committee – implement engaging and educational programs that advocate for
Democratic candidates and policies and stimulate active participation in the Democratic party.

Chair- Various Chairs for Individual Events. Contact the Chair if you have an event you would like us to attend.